
Become a Voice

We create multi-voice audiobooks where each character speaks with a different voice. So we are currently looking for voices with accents in all categories to add to our extensive voice library. If your voice is used in one of our audiobooks, you’ll receive a free copy of that audiobook. If more than ten books use your voice, you’ll earn a $500 one-off fee.

In order for your voice to be considered please complete the following:-

Click on the Microphone symbol and read the following text in your normal voice.

I have allowed my voice to be cloned so that can be used in the production of audio books. I understand that for the creation of multi-voice audio books, the producer needs access to the largest possible library of different voices, not only based on age or sex but also including all the different regional accents in any country and around the World. I’m happy to contribute my voice to the library. I confirm that I have all the necessary rights to this voice and I consent to it being cloned for use in your audiobooks and that this use will not, violate any copyrights or rights of publicity. I will now read the text used for voice cloning.

The Benefits of Reading

Reading is one of the most beneficial and enjoyable activities that anyone can do. It is a skill that can enrich our lives in many ways, such as improving our knowledge, vocabulary, memory, imagination, creativity, critical thinking, and communication skills. Reading can also provide us with entertainment, relaxation, inspiration, and motivation. In this essay,

One of the most obvious benefits of reading is that it can increase our knowledge and understanding of the world. Reading exposes us to different perspectives, cultures, histories, sciences, arts, and more. It allows us to learn new facts, concepts, theories, and ideas that can broaden our horizons and satisfy our curiosity. Reading can also help us develop our analytical and problem-solving skills, as we can apply what we learn from reading to various situations and challenges. Reading can also enhance our decision-making and judgment skills, as we can evaluate the information and arguments presented in different texts.

Play Pause Delete

Please record the voice in a quiet environment with no outside noise sources. Once you have made the recording, please listen to it. If it can be improved, delete the recording and re-record. You can do this as often as you wish.

Once you have done the recording please complete the following:-

Please fill out this form after recording your voice.

We will let you know by e-mail whether your application has been accepted.